Tuesday, October 23, 2001


The Tide Is High - To MFS

    Mom's into another book, Dearest Friend - A Life of Abigail Adams and she's hooked, again. I'm pleased. The book club is reading both of the current biographies of John and Abigail Adams. Mom expressed an interest in them. Now I can't pry them from her hands. I told her she should consider going to the book club meetings with me on those books (actually, I hadn't planned on going, because I'd be 'down there' when they happened; but, I wanted to read the books, anyway, and Costco had them really cheap), and, you know what, she just might! I guess Mom is just beginning her ninth life (or, who, knows, it might be her fifth and she might have four more to go; I hope I have four more in me to match hers).

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