Wednesday, July 5, 2000


Don't Talk about Sex - To LTF

    John Nisbeth is going to be meeting my mother next week, probably Thursday when I take them both to a local meat store called The Pork Shop. So, I leaned over and told him he couldn't talk about pornography in front of my mother; she's the granddaughter and the great granddaughter and the niece of fire-and-brimstone Methodist Ministers.
    He laughed and agreed, "That would be funny, wouldn't it."
    Yes it would.
    "Yer mom know about'cher web site?"
    She does. She hasn't read any of the material but she knows I've been doing a lot of erotic writing, knows I've put it out there. We've discussed, on an intellectual plane with three syllable words, what I am writing and why I'm writing it (which is not a completely answered question). She's calm about this. Most of the time she forgets, though, that her daughter writes graphic descriptions of sex for fun.
    John promised, though, that we'd talk about other things next Thursday.

All material copyright at time of posting by Gail Rae Hudson

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