Saturday, September 15, 2001


Sleeping with Perfect Sleepers - To LTF

    After sending off that other e I noticed The Little Girl was in the meatloaf position outside my mother's bedroom where my mother has been pursuing her morning nap for about an hour. The Little Girl's favorite sleeping place is a fleece throw at the bottom of my mother's bed (I think I may have mentioned that to you); her favorite sleeping time is when my mother is on the bed. She's gotten into the habit of expecting me to pet her into sleep on it during the day, so I picked her up, took her in and started petting her. As usual, although she's not, by nature, a purrer, she began purring audibly and musically, which she always does when being petted on the fleece, on the bed. Within less than a minute, I noticed my mother had begun, in somatic sympathy, to really purr; by this I mean, her bronchials relaxed and her breathing became so deep that, on the outtake, her throat tissues vibrated and sounded exactly like a sonorous, lionic purr! I've referred to her "purring" before, but this is the first time I've heard her really purr, versus snoring or humming, which she does occasionally, as well. Jesus! She is half cat! No wonder she's still around. She probably has at least a few more of her nine lives left!

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