Saturday, September 29, 2001
Dream House Immortalization - To LTF
Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell you. Do you remember me mentioning a particular house that my mother believes (when she remembers) is the house in which she would be happy here in Prescott? Well, it's on the auction block, a "no base bid" auction. My mother pointed it out in the paper to me this morning. It's a historical house so there was an article on it with an attractive color photograph. She wants to make a bid. I explained to her (I didn't use the centrifugal force technique this time) that we actually don't have the financial wherewithal at the moment to be doing that. But, I suggested, since it's a "no base bid" auction there is nothing stopping us from making a ridiculously low bid on it like a buck, I suggested. My mother boosted it to $20. she said somebody else would try to get it for a buck, but probably no one will try to get it for $20. I assume it's a sealed bid auction but that wasn't made clear in the article. I'm going to call Monday to find out. The house has been on and off the market forever, I told her. Somebody's desperate. It might have even gone into foreclosure and the bank is trying to wipe its hands of it. Why not make a $20 sealed bid on it? It might be the only bid. Who knows? So, now she's very excited. I think, once we've "lost" the house it will no longer be "the house I want to live in" to my mother, it will be "the house we lost at auction". In a way, that house will, from then on, belong to her.