Sunday, October 29, 2000
Mother of Birthday Fairies - To LTF
This year my mother has been saying to me every day for the last two weeks, "Tomorrow's your birthday. How would you like to celebrate?" The most gratifying aspect of this is that it reminds me how much my presence means to her and how pleased she is that I am with her. She is Our Lady of Everbody's Birthday Including Her Own. This is one of her many ways of expressing, "Damn, I'm glad I [gave birth to, married, know, whatever] you!" We'll probably go out to dinner because my mother would go out to eat three times a day, seven days a week, if she could; we'll probably go to a steakhouse because that's her favorite type of restaurant; we'll probably go very early (yes, lots of Ancient Ones really do eat early not because they go to bed early but, I think, because the older one gets the more troublesome it is to be digesting anything at all when one goes to bed); and I will consider my birthday celebrated to satisfaction because The Birthday Lady got a chance to celebrate a another birthday.